Saturday, April 19, 2014

Elsa and Jane Doe Provide a Reality Check

I have been completely blown away by the experiences of so many other survivors; so many are like Elsa's on the Speaking Out page.  Reading her account just now I found myself having to fight to stay in the present and not flashback to my own traumatic nights.  Jane Doe's description of what the aftermath of a rape was like for her is something I'm confident all survivors experience- being seen as "weak" or "difficult" rather than strong, for example.  I'd like to draw attention to what Elsa said at the end of her story, because it hits the nail on the head.  These are unfortunately true more often that not, and these are the things that need to start to change.

"If you've ever been raped, and are raped a second time, your rapist will go free.
If you've ever had a mental illness, and are raped, your rapist will go free.
If you don't have a witness IN the room that you are being raped in, your rapist will go free.
If you know your rapists name, address, and phone number, your rapist will go free.
If you don't scream and fight back, but freeze in fear, your rapist will go free.
If you are asleep when your rapist starts to rape you, your rapist will go free.
If you had been kissing the rapist earlier in the night, but he later rapes you, your rapist will go free.
If you had had any alcohol prior to being raped, your rapist will go free.
If you don't murder your rapist when he is sleeping comfortably after having raped you, your rapist will forever go free."

Thank you Elsa, Jane Doe, Susie Q, and the others who are still writing their stories.  I have been encouraged and amazed by you through your stories as well as our conversations.  Thank you for joining me!  

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